When Does a Ducted Reverse-Cycle Air Conditioner Make Sense for Residential Cooling?

Reverse-cycle air conditioning systems are excellent choices for residential use because they can provide year-round heating and cooling. Ducted reverse-cycle systems use ductwork to supply air throughout the home, improving indoor comfort. If you are in the market for a new unit, read on to find out the instances when a ducted reverse-cycle system makes sense for residential cooling.

New construction

Ducted systems require the installation of ductwork, which is a complex and disruptive process. If you have an existing home, you must map out the ductwork path and drill holes in the wall to install the indoor unit, vents and other system components. This can significantly increase the unit's installation costs. If your roof doesn't have adequate space, you won't be able to install AC ductwork.

Therefore, a ducted unit is financially viable in new construction. You can factor the ductwork into the initial design and install it at the rough-in stage of the construction. This will eliminate the extra cost of preparing the home for the installation project. However, you can plan for this project during a major renovation, especially if it involves making structural changes to the house.

Cooling of large spaces

Ducted reverse-cycle ACs are great for cooling large spaces. Since the ducts run throughout the entire home, you can cool your entire home from one central unit. This is unlike mini-splits that can only cool individual rooms. If you want to cool the entire home, you have to invest in a multi-split system with multiple air handlers for each indoor space. Conversely, with a ducted system, you only need one unit. However, make sure you size the unit to your home's cooling demand to avoid overworking its components.

Room-by-room zoning

You can design your ducted reverse-cycle unit to optimise zoning and boost indoor comfort. Ducted systems have dampers that control the airflow into each room. The amount of air flowing into the room depends on how much the damper is open. If the damper is closed, air won't flow into the room. Consequently, the AC will utilise the variable speed technology to adjust the air output to the overall demand. Therefore, you can regulate the temperatures in individual rooms to suit user preferences. You can also close the dampers in unoccupied rooms to save energy.

Year-round cooling and heating

Reverse-cycle air conditioners offer year-round cooling and heating. When you flick the reverse-cycle switch, the air conditioner absorbs heat from the outdoors and pumps it into the home. Therefore, a reverse-cycle unit makes sense for homes that don't already have a heating system. You can save money on installation and maintenance by using one unit for heating and cooling.

For more information on ducted reverse cycle air conditioning, contact a professional near you.

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Helpful and Hopeful HVAC Tips

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Leo. As a small-business owner and a dad who likes to help reduce the family's expenses as much as possible, I've done a fair bit of tinkering with my HVAC system, both at home and work. I've learnt a lot, including when to call in the pros. Want to get helpful, hopeful, actionable tips for dealing with your HVAC system? Then, this blog is the place. My two daughters both recently graduated uni and are living on their own, and I've transitioned to part-time at work, leaving me a lot of extra time to do things like write. I hope you like the posts.

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